Southern Area Urgent Care Out of Hours (GP & Pharmacists Rotas)

22 October 2024

SSL Certificate

New User Details
Please select a user ID and a password
*UserID :
*Password :
*Repeat Password :
Personal Details
Title :
*Firstname(s) :
*Surname :
*Address :
*Town/City :
County :
*Postcode :
Contact Details
*E-Mail :
Alternative E-Mail :
You must enter at least one of Home or Work Telephone
*Home Telephone :
*Work Telephone :
Mobile :
Block Emails From Other Users :
Professional Details
GMC Reg and Expiry :  
*Professional Insurance :    
*CCG Performers List :      
Date of last Appraisal :
Date of last CPR Check :
Date of last DBS Check :
Next of Kin Details
Name :
Telephone Number :
Relationship :
Blood Group :
Medical Conditions :
Alergies :
Current Medications :
GP Practice and Address :


Please complete the form to the left. Fields marked with a * are mandatory.

User ID

For the User ID it is suggested that you use your surname and the first letter from your first name. The system will check to make sure that the ID is not already in use. If the ID is already in use, it is suggested that you use your firstname followed by the first letter of your surname. When entering your User ID the case of the letters is unimportant.


Your password must be at least 8 characters long and must contain at least 3 of the following:
  • A lower case character
  • An UPPER case character
  • A number
  • A non-alpha-numeric character (_+=*%$@! etc.)
The password must not contain a simple word such as "password", "iloveyou", "master", "1234", "1111" etc.. Passwords are case sensitive.Your password is stored in a type of encryption which cannot be unencrypted. If your password is lost, you will need to request a password reset from the login screen.

Email Addresses

Please enter your email address. If you wish to receive copies of emails sent to an alternative email address (as well as the primary email address) please then enter an alternative email address.
Please note that if you forget your password and wish to reset it, the password reset email is only sent to your registered email addresses. Please ensure you keep your email addresses up to date on this system

Telephone Numbers

You need to enter at least one of your home or work telephone number. You may, of course, enter both. If you use a mobile number in one or other of these fields, please also enter the mobile number into the mobile number field.

Mobile Number

You may also enter your mobile number. If you have a mobile number it must be entered in the mobile number field.

GMC Registration Number

Please enter you GMC Registration Number and select it's expiry date. Entry of this information is mandatory.

Professional Insurance

Please select your Professional Insurance provider. If your provider is not listed, select "Other" and then enter the provider name in the box to the right. Please then enter the insurance expiry date. This information is mandatory.


Please complete the hCaptcha box at the bottom of the form. This tries to ascertain that you are human and not a bot and stops hacking attempts to gain access to the system.


After you have completed the form, the details are sent to the site administrators and if everything is in order, will accept the registration. Once they have accepted your registration you will be informed by email (to the address you register on this form) and will be able to access the website with the UserID and password you have set.
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